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3 results for Authentication
  • Introduction APIs have become so popular that almost all websites and applications rely on APIs to get data from server. Often user impersonation is used to authenticate as well as authorize access to the resource exposed by an API, but there are also use cases where application itself needs data from an API for functioning. Currently the most used authentication mechanism is OAuth, where identity management is performed by a third provider and both the client and resource server trusts this identity provider.
    Azure Security API Management Authentication Created Sun, 27 Feb 2022 20:03:08 +1100
  • Introduction Continuing from the previous post, the new generation of authentication mechanism was created to satisfy the new generation of application, starting from apps that run just in the browser to apps that run on micro-controllers. This new generation of authentication mechanism called as the modern authentication protocols are built on top of the OAuth protocol and taking inspiration from SAML. In the below article the term IDP refers to the Identity provider, the external service that is responsible for authenticating a user and issuing authorization tokens.
    Azure Security OAuth Authentication Created Sun, 01 Aug 2021 18:06:02 +1000
  • Introduction Authentication has been an important component in the world of IT from the time companies required their employees to prove their identity to use the company’s computing resources whether it was to execute its business processes or accessing email or file. During the earlier days employees used to login to their computers using a username and password, which was stored in a central server like an active directory (in case of Microsoft tech stack).
    Azure Security OAuth Authentication Created Sat, 24 Jul 2021 19:16:16 +1000